So why do hair extensions that some girls have look tacky and fake while other girls have clips-in that seamlessly blend in? It all comes down to how you wear them. That is why I have 5 hair extension tricks to share with you that you need to know!


Trick 1: Blending

In order to perfectly blend your extensions and hair, straightening your very own hair with your extensions is a very good idea. In order to do that, all you need to do is clip your hair extensions in as you normally would. Next, just straighten your hair. After you have finished with the straightening process. Your hair should be left to cool for around five to ten minutes you can then style your hair however you normally would (waves, curls, or whatever you want).
No matter what style you decide to go with, you will notice with this hair extension trick, that your hair extensions will seamlessly blend in with your very own hair in order to provide you with a totally natural and gorgeous look.

Read : secret of getting straight hairs

Trick 2: Long Lasting Hold

Are you having difficulties with preventing your hair extensions from slipping out during the day? If so, then if you backcomb your hair it can definitely provide your clip-ins with a boost of texture that is very helpful for gripping on to. A backcombing brush can be used to tease your roots gently. A mist of hairspray can then be added for some extra grip before you clip in your extensions. Another excellent tip to help keep your hair extensions in place, particularly for finer hair, is using a volumizing powder to backcombing your roots.
All you need is one sprinkle of it to ensure your hair extensions stay in place. Backcombing is not only good to help keep your hair extensions in, it also is excellent for helping disguise your clips. In order to provide an extra bit of volume needed for covering the clips, you just need to backcomb under your hairs top layer.

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Trick 3: Angles

If your hair has layers or is short and you are having difficulties with getting your hair extensions to have a natural appearance around the front part of your face, you can give a much more natural and softer look by clipping the wefts in at an angle. Tilt your extensions back instead of clipping them in dead straight. That will create an effect that is less blunt and more feathered, which will be a lot more flattering for you.

Trick 4: The Twist

If the pesky parts of the shorter hairs that are around your neck are giving away the fact that you have hair extensions in and is ruining your look, then this hair extension trick is definitely for you! At the nape of your neck, section the hair off. Then twirl the hair around your finger and use bobby pins to pin it into place. You can then just clip the extensions at the top. That way when all of the hair extensions have been clipped in, you wont have any annoying short hairs bothering your around your neck!

Trick 5: Close Clipping

The final hair extensions trick that we have for you is another one for girls who have shorter hair. In you would like to get your own hair perfectly blended in with your hair extensions, try to clip the extensions in together as close as you possibly can. That can help with disguising any in between shorter layers. Keep in mind that the closer together your extensions are clipped in, the more natural it will be.

I hope the 5 hair extension tricks above that I have shared with you here will help you with achieving natural-looking and beautifully blended locks!

Read More: How to get straight hairs naturally