Home Remedies For Tinnitus – Ringing in ears
Imagine being relentlessly tormented by a noise you can’t escape. It follows you everywhere you go. It’s a condition that affects over 50 million Americans, and it’s called tinnitus. There are no medical cures. But there are some vitamins that have been a sanity-saver for those who have tried them.Continue Reading
Sleep Apnea Cause, Diagnosis and Symptoms
Sleep Apnea Causes, Disorder and Symptoms Sleep apnea disorder distinguished by pauses in respiration or during sleep infrequent breathing or instances of shallow. Every time the breathing stops that is known as apnea, the pause can stay for 10 secs for a few minutes, and can occur more than 30Continue Reading
5 home remedies to remove acne scars
5 home remedies to remove acne scars The advantages of applying home remedies to treat acne scars has gained popularity recently as the treatment is not only convenient, but also effective. Home remedy to treat acne scars is also economical as the ingredients that are used are easily found. KnowContinue Reading
Yoga For Health – Yoga Health Benefits and Meditation Health Benefits
Yoga has been around for thousands of years and today, millions of people around the world are adapting it in their lifestyles as they see its health benefits. Yoga has become more than just a trend and doctors are implementing it as part of the treatment process for their patients.Continue Reading
Alternative cure for Cancer ? : Purple Potatoes
Including Purple Potatoes in your diet can help you in avoiding colon Cancer. According to a new study Purple potatoes can help in destroying the stem cells of cancer and prevent them to grow again. Dr. Jairam Vanamala, an alumnus of Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, said. “youContinue Reading
8 Clove Benefits: Cloves Health Benefits
Health Benefits Of Cloves Everyone of us is aware of this medicine cum spice floral bud of Clover plant. Almost every kitchen has clove available in their spices. Its medicinal uses are known to humans since centuries. It is majorly used in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medical science. We’llContinue Reading
10+ SuperFood For Weight Loss and Increasing Metabolism
Thirty billion a year — that is amount which Americans spends on slimming and weight loss products every year and as we know several of products and things do not work as expected. So how do you get real weight-loss results? the answer is – Head to your grocery store!.YES!Continue Reading
Types of Yoga : Understand Which Type of Yoga Suites You
Types Of Yoga Tоdау thеrе аrе ѕо many different types оf Yоgа thаt it саn be difficult tо knоw whеrе tо ѕtаrt! Thіѕ page wіll lіѕt the mоѕt рорulаr types оf Yоgа аnd what mаkеѕ thеm dіffеrеnt frоm each оthеr, hеlріng уоu tо mаkе thе bеѕt decision аbоut whichContinue Reading