Fashion is big business, it’s something that excites and has always intrigued the masses, no matter what culture you are from. The fashion industry is deemed as glamorous, and with those involved being seen as graceful and stylish people. Fashion Design In Itself Is An Art Form Father of FashionContinue Reading

Most people feel the need to “diet” in order to feel better, lose weight and get healthier – however, diets don’t often work, seemingly a short term fix – most people need to learn that healthy eating is a lifestyle change and not a diet. Healthy eating is a habitContinue Reading

The eyes are often seen as the most attractive part of a person. And quite often the thing we are most attracted too in the opposite sex. That said, as women, we should try to take advantage of this, and where possible make use of makeup to enhance our features.Continue Reading

Today’s topic is about altering men’s suits properly. We will discuss about how to make your dresses fit for your distinct body type. Fitting is an important thing that should be considered for all clothes. From T-shirts to Jeans, everything should be well-fitted to your body type. Especially, when itContinue Reading