If you are looking for an online platform where you can record voice without installation of any addition software into your computer then you are at right place. Bear Record is the platform where you can record voice with your microphone and then cut and edit it without any additional application. You can save it as an MP3 file then recorder runs directly in the browser without installing additional software. Here are few simple steps you can follow them to record your voice.
Step: 1
Open the site https://voice-recorder-online.com/ in your browser.

Step: 2
Now, scroll the window a bit. Here you can see a microphone button, click on it.

Step: 3
A notification will pop up to ask the “Use your Microphone”. You need to click on “Allow” Button.

Step: 4
Now voice recorder is started. You can speak on your computer microphone.

Step: 5
If you want to pause/ Stoprecorder then you can use “Pause & Stop” Button.

Step: 6
Once you sound is recorded, you can Edit & Cut it.

Step: 7
You can also save it into your computer.

Step: 8
When you click on the “Edit & Cut” button, you can have different options to edit your sound.

Step: 9
Once you completed the editing part, you can scroll the window and click on the “Save” Button to save audio into your computer.

Congrats, you have edited your audio successfully and saved into your computer.